Resources for Clients

Below you will find information on the various influences upon the way that I work with couples. I’m currently working on a specialization from the Gottman Institute, and I’ve studied for three years under Dan Allender at the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology. Lastly, I often use the work of Gary Chapman in his books about the Five Love Languages.
Gottman Institute
Relationship experts whose research shows that to make a relationship last, couples must become better friends, learn to manage conflict, and create ways to support each other’s hopes for the future. More about the Gottman Method can be obtained here:
Dan Allender
Dan Allendar has pioneered a unique and innovative approach to trauma and abuse therapy over the past 25 years. He also brings in an interesting perspective on couples and marriage. More information on Dr. Dan Allender can be found at The Allendar Center.
Five Love Languages
The five love languages: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time and physical touch are key ways of understanding each other in relationship. Understanding ones own love language and the language of those who you are in close relationship is key to building good strong bonds in a marriage, parent child relationship, committed relationships, other family, friendships and in some cases co-workers. Check out the 5 Love Languages in the: 5 Love Languages Profile.
Individual Areas of Growth and Struggle
Four Agreements
The Four Agreements come from a book written by Miguel Ruiz. In the book he puts forth four principles to practice in order to create and maintain a more balanced and healthy life. To agree and adopt these four precepts is simple , but to actually live them out is another story. Much of the counseling and coaching work that I do with people somehow touch on most of these agreements. You can find more information on the book and author here.
In working with clients in their addiction struggles we will often discuss various methods and techniques. There is a lot to learn about the twelve step process of which Alcoholics Anonymous is most known for utilizing, but there are many other forms of the twelve steps that can be used in other addictive struggles. Here are a few links that speak to many of the addictions that folks are troubled by:
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Gamblers Anonymous
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Sex Addicts Anonymous
- International Association of Trauma and Addiction Professionals
- Recovery Zone
- Sex Help
- Codependents Anonymous
General Counseling Information …
American Counseling Association
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association
American Psychological Association
Washington State Department of Health Information on Counselors